Our Supporters

“Hand in Hand represents an alternative path towards a shared society that has been ignored for too long… It is not just unique; it is exceptional, and they are changing the landscape in Israel one child at a time, one community at a time.”
– Rabbi B.P., Canada
The continued growth and increased impact of Hand in Hand’s network of bilingual schools and inclusive communities is thanks to the joint efforts of our ever-expanding circles of parents, government support, individual donors, and philanthropic partners.
Donors who have given $10,000 or more this past year and who agreed to be included are listed below in alphabetical order.
We are grateful to all of our supporters whose ongoing commitment to create an inclusive society in Israel makes Hand in Hand’s success possible. Thank you for standing with us!
Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
The DEAR Foundation
Warren and Mitzi Eisenberg
Martha and Donald Freedman
Kindermissionswerk ‘Die Sternsinger’ e.V. and Peace Foundation Jalil Schwarz – Peace Cook / Sternsinger Foundation
Ronald S Roadburg Foundation
The Edith Glick Shoolman Children’s Foundation
Strategic Partners
Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation
Dan and Jill Ciporin
Connecting Kids Heart 2 Heart Foundation
Dorot Foundation
Feldman Foundation, TX
The Fineshriber Family Foundation
Frankel Family Foundation
Gerson Family Foundation
The Diane P. & Guilford Glazer Fund
Merrie and Seth Jaffe
Julie Jensen
The Jerusalem Foundation
Rachel Kurshan
The Margolies Family Foundation
The Rayne Trust
The Mary L. and William J. Osher Foundation
Drew Pardoll and Suzanne Topalian
Pears Foundation
The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation
Samuels Family Foundation
The Schocken Foundation
Schusterman Family Philanthropies – Israel
Harry and Debra Seigle
Sam Spiegel Foundation
Jay Steinfeld and Barbara Winthrop
UJA – Federation of New York
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Robert and Edith Zinn
Major Partners
The Alexander Family Fund of the Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund
Grace Allen Newton and David Weinberg
American Federation of Teachers
Debra Appel and Gene Schneyer
David Barish and Linda Jayaram
Robert Baum: Louis and Jessie Sachs Scholarship Fund
Estate of Ruth Behmack
Emile Bendit and Diane Abeloff
Gary and Carol Berman
Nathaniel Berman
The Bley Stein Foundation
Paula Blumenfeld and Joe Gantz
Julie and Steve Bram
Deborah and James Breznay
Yehudit and Yehuda Bronicki
Bydale Foundation
CJP – Boston-Haifa Connection
Pilar Crespi Robert and Stephen Robert, Source of Hope Foundation
Karen and Bob Deresiewicz
Edith and Bernard Ennis Foundation
Harriet Feinberg
The Felzen Family
Sue Fischlowitz and David Roberts
Lowell Glazer and Beverly Penn
Goldsmith Family Foundation
Alan Gordon
Daniel Gordon
Lisa Gordon
Sally Gottesman
John and Denise Graves
Grayson Foundation
Irwin and Bethea Green Support Fund
Michael and Haia Gross
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Sari Hornstein
The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Charitable Foundation
Peter Israel
The Jerusalem Center For Near Eastern Studies
Jerusalem Municipality Scholarship Fund
Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Jusaca Trust
Marc and Jeanie Kahn
Kirsh Foundation
Sanford and Carol Krieger
The Philip and Bernice Krupp Foundation for Jewish Life
Gordon Lafer
Bruce Landau and Susan Landau
Kate Levin and Robin Shapiro
Peter F. Levin Philanthropic Fund at InterAct for Change
The Lion Family
J. Zel Lurie Family Fund
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco
S & L Marx Foundation
The Milagro Foundation
Leo Model Foundation
Moser Family Foundation
David and Inez Myers Foundation
Jonathan Nadler
New Israel Fund
Charles and Peggy Norris
Robert and Robin Pearsall
Kate and Ilya Prizel
The Quitak Foundation
Paula Reshotko
Nathan Rome and Bonnie Alpert
Rothman Family Foundation
Anita and Lorenzo Sadun
Jeff Schwartz, Mike Schwartz, and Dori Herman
Barbara Sevde and the Hannah and Norbert Blechner Memorial Fund
Carrie Shapiro and Peter Frey
Dan Rome and Cindy Shulak-Rome
Judith and Ernest Simon
The Alan B. Slifka Foundation
The Social Venture Fund for Jewish-Arab Equality and Shared Society
Bruce, Steve, Gerald and Diane Solomon Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
Gregory and Kathy Solomon
Meir and Claire Stampfer
Gary and Tracy Stein
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
David Sugerman and Janet Byrd
Ben N. Teitel Charitable Trust
Shirley and David Toomin Family Foundation
Benjamin and Joy Warren
David and Elaine Weill Family Fund
Debra and Joe Weinberg
Jack Weingarten
The Joseph & May Winston Foundation
Steven Wolf and Barbara Paddor Wolf
Yerba Buena Fund
If we have inadvertently omitted the name of a donor, please contact us, and we will correct the error.