Wadi Ara School Wins Education Prize!

We are very proud to share that Hand in Hand’s “Bridge over the Valley” School in Wadi Ara has been awarded the prestigious Education Prize for the Haifa region from the Ministry of Education!
The prize was awarded for the school’s successful efforts in a variety of areas including:
- Academic excellence, pedagogic innovation, and fostering critical thinking
- Creating a climate of mutual respect
- Teaching the values of tolerance, equality, human rights and coexistence
- Teaching responsibility and educating for environmental protection and sustainability
- Encouraging team work among the staff and empowering and training teachers
- Contribution to the community
The District Supervisors who visited the school praised its educational approach:
“As Ministry of Education supervisors, we work every day with schools who view the concept of engaging their students in dialogue as a futuristic goal. But the Bridge over the Valley School has developed an educational model that shows us all that it is possible for students from different cultures to learn together in two languages, and have meaningful dialogue, with respect and with an ability to listen to the other. Here, the fact that students come in daily contact with other children who speak a different language, but, nevertheless, are just like them, leads to a different kind of values education. This school has had a significant impact and is changing the direction of education in Israel.”
Congratulations to Hasan and Masha, the Principal and Vice principal and to the teachers and all those who have worked to make this happen. Kol Hakavod, Yatikum el afia!