Project Based Learning
Project Based Learning is our hands-on model for turning students into active learners: sparking curiosity and out-of-the-box thinking. Students are given the freedom to explore their specific interests through creative projects, independent research and presentations. Subjects are taught vertically throughout multiple classes, giving students a 360-degree understanding and encouraging interdisciplinary learning. Our incredible students have created a school weather channel, opened a bakery, created a puppet theater, and much more.
One of our PBL Projects is particularly focused on teaching students about accessibility for the handicapped. The workshop seeks to deepen students’ understanding of the importance of making places accessible for the handicapped and then to teach them that they have the power to change the environment around them that is so difficult for the handicapped. In this workshop, fifth and sixth grade students meet and speak with people with handicaps and learn basic information about their needs and rights.
They also meet with experts in the fields of advertising, and mass communication and learn basic concepts in these areas. Using the knowledge they have gained, students prepare posters and games using modern digital technology and prepare a campaign to raise awareness about the need for accessibility for the disabled in the Galilee schools as well as in the larger Jewish and Arab communities in the Galilee. Through this project, students become active learners, critical thinkers about the messaging in the media and in advertising, and learn that they are capable of changing and improving their community.