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Employer Matching Gifts and Workplace Giving

A matching gift is part of a company’s philanthropic initiatives that reward charitable donations.  It occurs when an employee donates to a non-profit organization and the employer will also donate to that organization, most often dollar for dollar.  Companies will sometimes also match donations made by spouses, retirees, and board members.

Does My Employer Match Gifts?

Many employers (including foundations, non-profits, hospitals, and law firms) will match your charitable contributions. Check with your Human Resources department to confirm your company’s policy.

How Do I Apply for a Matching Gift?

Every matching gift program is different. Usually, Human Resources departments have a form for employees to fill out and return to your company’s matching gift program.

Legal Name: Hand in Hand American Friends of Cntr for Jewish-Arab Edu in Israel
Employer Identification Number (EIN): 93-1269590

Workplace Giving/Federal Campaigns

Military members and federal employees can support Hand in Hand through the Combined Federal Campaign.
Employer Identification Number (EIN): 93-1269590
CFC Code: 12492


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