Jerusalem School Wins Municipal Education Prize

Our very own Max Rayne Hand in Hand School for Bilingual Education has been awarded the Jerusalem Education Authority prize for the 2016-2017 school year!
The commission summarized:
“This school is a model and example for all of Jerusalem’s residents. Us, the adults, need to learn from the students how to live together, learn together, and advance coexistence, in the hope that it will permeate the consciousness of the rest of the city’s residents. For this, we have found the Max Rayne Hand in Hand Jerusalem School worthy of recognition and receiving the education prize for the 2016-2017 school year.”
Thank you to our friends at the Jerusalem Foundation and all of our supporters and partners in this journey. We are proud to share the formal announcement below.

The Max Rayne Hand in Hand Jerusalem School, led by Ms. Nadia Kinani, is the only school of its kind in the city. The students come from many different neighborhoods in the city, both Jewish and Arab. Students are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Druze, Circassian, and Armenian – both religious and secular.
The school offers a unique educational experience built on the values of Arab-Jewish partnership. It provides a rich education and creates a warm, supportive environment that allows each child to develop their range of their abilities.
The school brings Jewish and Arab children together in a framework of equality, working to combat preconceived notions, fears and misunderstandings in a way that strengthens tolerance, respect for the other and the desire to live in equality and peace.
The school’s bilingual methodology views language as more than an essential means of communication, but rather as a central feature of each culture. Hebrew and Arabic are granted equal status in the school, and the children learn in both languages in tandem. The goal is for each child to reach their potential in learning, writing, and self-expression in their second language with no less skill than in their first.
The school community, educational staff, and students have experienced severe harassment from extreme elements in society. Yet despite the barriers and challenges, the school continues on its educational path successfully thanks to the dedication of its teachers and the conviction of its professional staff. It is important to note that students’ parents and families are involved partners in this education.
Teachers, who themselves take part in ongoing study and professional development, have successfully assisted their students in attaining high levels of learning and accomplishment in all subjects. In addition to this, the staff acts as a source of hope and demonstrates that we can and should live together.
As the commission stated: “This school is a model and example for all of Jerusalem’s residents. Us, the adults, need to learn from the students how to live together, learn together, and advance coexistence, in the hope that it will permeate the consciousness of the rest of the city’s residents.”
For this, we have found the Max Rayne Hand in Hand Jerusalem School worthy of recognition and receiving the education prize for the 2016-2017 school year.”
With thanks to our supporters: