Annual Community Retreat Marks 20 Years of Hand in Hand

Representatives from all six Hand in Hand schools convened recently at Kibbutz Nir Etzion in the north of Israel for our annual community conference. Principals, community organizers, staff, teachers, and young alumni came together for two meaningful days of leadership training, brainstorming, dialogue, and bonding. There were meaningful conversations, laughter, shared meals, and an overall sense of pride in what Hand in Hand has managed to accomplish in the past two decades.
This year’s conference also saw a couple of important “firsts,” including a special session on storytelling and community activism for our young alumni. It was also the first conference in which Hand in Hand’s educational teams met with community activists for a brainstorming session.
Our movement has grown so much over the 20 years since our founding, and we hope you’re as inspired as we are to see what’s still ahead!