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Mentoring Program

At the Galilee School, one of the key focuses is our mentoring program, between Hand in Hand teachers and students. Teachers attend a series of lectures on the subject of education and mentoring from external experts.

Mentoring and seeing every child as an individual is one of the educational pillars of the Galilee School. Over the course of the mentorship process, a mentor becomes one of the most significant and trusted adults in a student’s life.

Mentors ask of themselves questions like: What is important for me to know about this child? What would this child like me to know about them? What are this child’s strengths, and how can I support and empower them? What are definable goals we can set together for the future? This level of care and attention not only fosters success in the classroom, but also helps children develop interpersonal confidence, active listening, and other healthy life skills.


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