  • Schools & Communities
    • Galilee
    • Jerusalem
    • Wadi Ara
    • Haifa
    • Jaffa
    • Kfar Saba
    • Communities

Send a message of peace and encouragement to Hand in Hand students, teachers, and parents.

In a society that has long suffered from violent conflict between Jews and Arabs, Hand in Hand is building integration and equality in Israel through a growing network of Jewish-Arab public schools and communities. In six locations across the country, thousands of Arab and Jewish students come together every day in multicultural and bilingual classrooms.

In the context of renewed violence and polarization in Israel, we are doing our part to create Jewish-Arab partnership and a shared society. We believe in transforming fear and mistrust into friendship and cooperation. Hand in Hand schools are living proof of what is possible when Arabs and Jews refuse to be enemies, choosing instead to live together.

Silence is Golden